What we offer

Since 2016, Campbell South Asia has established a strong reputation in the research community for its rigorous and high-quality evidence synthesis on critical areas such as homelessness, disability, gender, and nutrition. Our collaborations with leading researchers, policymakers, and practitioners have enabled us to drive evidence-informed policy and practice across the region.

We offer a range of services to support evidence-based research, including systematic review and evidence synthesis workshops. Our team of experienced professionals provides training, consultation, and collaboration opportunities to help you conduct high-quality research and produce impactful publications. In addition to these services, we also offer access to cutting-edge research tools and resources, as well as networking opportunities with fellow researchers and organizations. Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or just starting out, we’re here to support you at every stage of the research process.

Production of In-house evidence synthesis products

Our team of experienced researchers conduct systematic reviews, meta-analyses, evidence maps, and gap analyses to provide our clients with a comprehensive overview of the existing evidence base. Our data analysts are skilled in conducting both quantitative and qualitative analyses, including data cleaning, statistical modeling, and content analysis.

Outreach events

We organize workshops and events to engage with researchers and policymakers. For instance, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, we hosted an event in 2016 to discuss the findings of the Campbell deworming review. We have collaborated with 3ie, Global Development Network, George Institute, Save the Children (India), and UNICEF (India) on these events.

Training workshops

We offer training sessions and other activities for capacity building in evidence synthesis. These sessions have been held in Delhi, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Kerala, Manipal, and Mumbai. We have also assisted with events in Nepal and Ghana.

Knowledge translation

Helping turn evidence into action through the development of evidence-based policy briefs, infographics, and other knowledge translation products.

Photos from our capacity building workshops

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