Campbell South Asia is Regional Centre for the Campbell Collaboration. Campbell Collaboration’s National and Regional centres (NRCs) are responsible for promoting Campbell in their respective regions, encompassing activities like organising trainings, garnering media coverage, and publishing Campbell products. An office of the Campbell Secretariat was established in New Delhi in 2016, hosted by the Global Development Network. A small team of technical staff was recruited of Denny John and Ashrita Saran, who had prior systematic review experience. 

Campbell South Asia (CSA) has acquired a national reputation for generating high-quality evidence synthesis on crucial topics such as youth crime, gender, homelessness, disability etc. The research team has delivered extensive training to researchers, policymakers, and practitioners on how to produce high quality systematic reviews and evidence and gap maps, as well as on evidence use and uptake. Regular policy-oriented events have been organised, where research findings from Campbell maps and studies have been presented to a range of stakeholders.

The research team worked on key areas of technique development in mapping methodologies which are adapted by many organisations throughout the world, and also influenced Campbell’s own approach to Evidence and Gap maps.

Many of the training sessions and other activities were held in Delhi, but they also took place in Bangalore, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Kerala, Manipal, and Mumbai. In addition, the team has assisted with events in Nepal and Ghana. Senior Campbell staff are frequently asked to speak to groups interested in evidence synthesis and economic evidence, in addition to Campbell’s own events.

Campbell South Asia consists of two entities. The Campbell South Asia section within the Global Development Network falls under GDN’s Evaluation and Evidence Synthesis Programme. GDN has been incubating Campbell South Asia as part of GDN’s mandate to support policy-relevant research in low- and middle-income countries. The Campbell South Asia Foundation is a Section 8 company responsible for locally-commissioned activities. In the long run, Campbell South Asia Foundation will take over direct responsibility for all of CSA’s activities.

Mission and Vision


Our vision at Campbell South Asia is to foster evidence-informed decision-making and improve the lives of individuals across South Asia through rigorous and comprehensive evidence synthesis.


To achieve our vision, our mission is to build capacity for the production and use of high-quality evidence synthesis among government and non-governmental agencies in South Asia, with a focus on key areas of public health and policy. We are committed to collaboration, innovation, and excellence in research, and strive to provide actionable insights and recommendations to support evidence-based decision-making.

Our research organization’s mission and vision guide our efforts to achieve strategic goals. By aligning our actions with our values and goals, we can ensure that we are working towards a common purpose and making progress in the right direction. Our mission and vision also help us communicate our purpose and engage stakeholders in our work, building support and momentum for achieving our strategic goals.

Strategic goals

The objective of Campbell South-Asia is to support Campbell’s global initiatives to encourage the use of concrete evidence as a basis for decision-making. The primary goal is to produce and use more Campbell reviews both across the country and in South Asia. We will achieve this through:


Building strategic partnerships and collaborations with other research organizations, academic institutions, and subject matter experts can help facilitate knowledge sharing and access to a wider pool of expertise.

Capacity building

Providing training and development opportunities to build the capacity of researchers and staff can help ensure that the organization has the necessary skills and expertise to conduct high-quality research and evidence synthesis.


Staying up to date with emerging research methods and technologies, and developing innovative approaches to evidence synthesis and research can help the organization stay ahead of the curve and maintain its competitive edge.

Quality assurance

Ensuring high standards of quality assurance in all aspects of the research process, including data collection, analysis, and reporting, is critical for building credibility and maintaining the organization’s reputation for producing accurate and reliable research.


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Bhumika T V
Director General
Suchi Kapoor Malhotra
Director Research

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