Bhumika T.V

Director General


With over seven years of experience in evidence synthesis, Dr. Bhumika previously held the position of Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Public Health Evidence South Asia at PSPH, MAHE. She has also been a Co-Director for Cochrane MAHE Affiliate center and served as a member of Cochrane Public Health, the Advisory Group Member for Cochrane Knowledge Translation group, the Editorial Board Member for BMC Public Health, and a collaborator for Global Burden Disease Network. Dr. Bhumika has received training in epidemiology/biostatistics, project development, and both basic and advanced public health research methods.

Her primary research focus is on evidence synthesis, for which she received training from various organizations such as Cochrane, EPPI-centre, UCL, UK, CSA, and WHO-Cochrane on Global Policymaking. Driven by her passion, she has worked on developing methodologies for contextualization/ indigenizing of evidence and qualitative evidence synthesis. She has received scholarships from WHO and Erasmus plus for training in advanced methods of evidence synthesis research. Throughout her career, she has coordinated, managed, and worked on various projects funded by DFID UK, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, INCLEN Trust, World Health Organization, ICMR, PHFI-DST, and SPARC, serving in different capacities, mostly as a co-investigator. With more than 30 peer-reviewed publications, she is an accomplished researcher.

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