Howard White

Director GDN Evaluation and Evidence Synthesis Programme.

Email: [email protected]

Howard White is Director of Evaluation and Evidence Synthesis at the Global Development Network. Previously, he was CEO of the Campbell Collaboration, where he led innovations in governance, publishing, staffing, evidence synthesis products and tools to support evidence use in decision-making.

He was also the founding Executive Director at the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), and led the impact evaluation program of the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group. He has been given awards for services to evaluation by the governments of Benin and Uganda. He was Managing Editor of the Journal of Development Studies (2002-2013) and founding Managing Editor of the Journal of Development Effectiveness. His research areas include aid and development effectiveness, anti-poverty interventions, macroeconomic modelling and policy, evaluation and evidence synthesis methods, and mixed methods approaches in research and evaluation. Howard started his career as an academic researcher at the Institute of Social Studies in the Hague, and the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK. 

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