Meghnath Dhimal

Dr. Meghnath Dhimal works as a Chief Research Officer at the Nepal Health Research Council, Government of Nepal. He has more than 17 years of research and policy advocacy experience especially on environmental health; climate change and health; non-communicable diseases, neglected tropical diseases, COVID-19 and SDGs. From the very beginning of COVID-19, he has been continuously working on evidence generation and evidence-informed decision-making for COVID-19 response in Nepal. Recently, the Government of Nepal has nominated him as a public health expert of the COVID-19 expert group. 

Besides these, he is also a member of Global Young Academy, Associate Academician of NAST, member of Research Coordination and Development Council of Tribhuvan University, founder coordinator of Young Scientists Forum Nepal, member of the steering committee of INGSA-Asia, and contributing author of IPCC’s sixth assessment report. He has authored more than 200 technical reports and peer-reviewed journal articles including in The Lancet, Nature, British Medical Journal.

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