Radhika Menon

Radhika is passionate about turning evidence into action and has over a decade of experience working on evidence-informed decision-making in multiple sectors and countries. She leads the Evidence Use Hub at Oxford Policy Management and is responsible for leading and quality assuring the organisation’s work in this area. She was the Deputy Director of the Strengthening Evidence Use for Development Impact programme and is currently the Research Uptake Lead for the Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning. Over the last few years, she has led and managed projects that have focussed on capacity development and innovation in evidence use.

Prior to joining Oxford Policy Management, she was a senior policy lead at the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), where she provided technical quality assurance on evidence use for research programmes and projects across several low- and middle-income countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The projects included impact and other evaluations, systematic reviews, and evidence and gap maps. Radhika has also authored evidence synthesis papers, evidence use case studies, briefs, blogs, and editorial articles in newspapers.

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