Suchi Kapoor Malhotra

Director Research


Suchi has thirteen years of experience in the development sector and seven years working with international research organisations. She has led and contributed to evidence synthesis projects in the following thematic areas: the infrastructure sector (transport), value chain, global value chain, agricultural mechanisation, humanitarian aid, atrocity and conflict prevention, and youth crime supported by IRRI, CEDIL, YEF, and FCDO. She has also trained many national and international researchers on evidence processes and methods.  

She has earlier worked with the research team in the immunisation technical support unit, Ministry of Health and Family welfare to generate evidence on vaccines and immunisation.  

She possess excellent skills in evidence synthesis products (Evidence and Gap Maps and Systematic Reviews), Grant Management, Project management (Oracle and ERP system), Monitoring and Evaluation, Building Capacities of Partners, Training both large and small groups on RBM (result-based management), PME (Performance Measurement and Evaluation), CMDRR (Community managed disaster risk reduction), Gender etc. She is skilled in organising international conferences, seminars, and workshops and has managed more than 180 projects and trained more than 500 participants (personnel from grass root level organisations, community members and beneficiaries) as well as handling and contributing to many internationally funded projects by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Misereor, Caritas Swiss, Catholic Relief Services, HelpAge International, and Cordaid.

She is a thorough professional with a good understanding of many thematic areas such as Gender, Women & Child Welfare, Humanitarian Aid and Gerontology as well as project monitoring of large-scale projects and working with various stakeholders.

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