Swati Mantri

Lead Evidence Synthesis Specialist

Email: [email protected]

Dr. Swati Mantri is a social scientist working as the Lead Evidence Synthesis Specialist at
Campbell South Asia. She holds a doctorate in Sociology from IIT Delhi (India). With a passion for
using social science research to make a difference, Dr. Mantri has tackled diverse projects on a
national and international scale. A champion of evidence-based decisions, she advocates for
research to achieve solutions. Her expertise lies in qualitative research methods, particularly
ethnography, qualitative synthesis, participatory action research, and digital sociology
techniques. She has been the recipient of the Emerging Scholar award from Manipal University
(India) and Groningen University (Netherlands), and of grants from The Special Programme for
Research and Training in Tropical Diseases of the World Health Organization, International
Sociological Association, Poznan University (Poland), Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Lund University
(Sweden), Indian Sociological Association, and IIT Delhi amongst others to present her research.
She has published widely in academic journals and books. Her research interest spans Urban
Sociology, Research Technique and Methodology, Migration Studies, Gender, and Sociology of
Food and Culture. She strongly believes in breaking down of silos and taking Sociology beyond
academia. She has volunteered for projects using art as a teaching tool to empower marginalized
groups, and develop courses for Edtech ecosystem. She has worked on research projects in the
development sector for UNICEF, National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (India), and
other regional organisation, while in academia, she has been appointed in various capacities, to
develop, and teach courses in Sociology.

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